
engine 1231

2001 E-One Class A Pumper

Engine 1231 is the secondary response unit for structure fires, motor vehicle accidents, hazardous materials, and other rescue type incidents. It carries 750 gallons of water and has a pump rated at 1250 gpm. It can seat up to six firefighters.

This unit is primarily equipped for fire suppression, but it also carries basic equipment for rescues and medical response.

Engine 1232

2018 Rosenbauer Class A Pumper

Engine 1232 is the primary response unit for structure fires, motor vehicle accidents, hazardous materials, and other rescue type incidents. It carries 1000 gallons of water and has a pump rated at 1500 gpm. It can seat up to five firefighters.

This unit is equipped as a "Rescue Pumper" meaning it carries tools and equipment for fire suppression along with a wide variety of other tasks, such as vehicle extrication and low angle rescue incidents. It is also equipped for response to medical incidents.

brush 1271

2003 Ford F350 w/ Grass Fire Skid Unit

Brush 1271 is the primary response vehicle for medical incidents and grass fires. It carries a full complement of BLS (Basic Life Support) medical supplies and an AutoPulse CPR machine.

For fire suppression, this unit carries a skid unit with 250 gallons of water and a pump along with various hand tools and gas powered equipment for fighting grass fires.

Chief 1200

2018 Chevy Tahoe

This vehicle is the Fire Chief's assigned response vehicle. It is equipped with basic medical and rescue equipment, a fire extinguisher, water can, and incident command supplies.

Squad 1251

2020 Chevy Tahoe

This vehicle is the Assistant Fire Chief's assigned response vehicle. It is equipped with basic medical and rescue equipment, a fire extinguisher, water can, and incident command supplies.